Author Archive
It is our great pleasure to announce that TUT Chamber Choir has selected new board. Our new president is Kaisa Karro, the choir major is Maris Kuum, our new finance person is Priit Kallaste, score-keeping is now the duty of Grethel Simonlatser, Liina Vreimann will be responsible for choir treasures…
TUT Chamber Choir waits new singers to sing with us in season 2015/2016!
You really like to sing? You’re visiting the right page. With our collective you can sing and feel a warm touch of so said estoneian’s sociability. You can feel the before and after moments as seen above. So please come to the test singings which take place on 8th and…
(Eesti) Kontsert “MIXTAPE”
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Concert “From Spring to Spring”
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Come to sing with us!
Hey music lover! Did you make a new year’s promise that you have to do something awesome and find new friends? What could be even better than a possibility to join crazy group of people of TUT Chamber Choir? We are waiting for YOU to sing beside us! Please come…
Christmas concerts – Lullabies for sleepless
TUT Chamber Choir makes in this christmas two performances with program called “Lullabies for sleepless”. First concsert will take place in The Old Town Music House (Uus street 16) on 19th of December at 19:00. Concert is for free. Link to Facebook: Hällilaulud unetuile Traditonal christmas concert will this year take place…
New season for the chamber choir!
It is our great pleasure to announce that the new head conductor of TUT Chamber Choir is Ksenija Grabova, the second conductor is Ieva Lavrinoviča and our new voice coach is Maria Väli! Our new president is Lea Pallon, the choir master, for a second season, is Kaarel Raspel, our…
(Eesti) TTÜ Kammerkoor alustab uut sügishooaega
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Mais läheb ilm õige tuliseks, kui TTÜ Kammerkoor koos sõpradega hakkab kirglikke tangoviise laulma! TTÜ Kammerkoor koos Eesti lätlaste kooriga Ziemeļu Balsis ning Soome lätlaste ja soomlaste kooriga Ziemeļmeita annavad mais kaks kontserti, kus tulevad ettekandele tangolood. Dirigentide Ksenija Grabova, Ieva Lavrinoviča ja Ilmars Millersi juhtimisel esitatakse mitmete heliloojate loomingut: P. Butāns,…
TUT Chamber Choir is starting the new season!
This season will bring a project to Finland, students’ song celebration Gaudeamus in Latvia, Estonian Song Festival Touched by Time. The Time to Touch, and many awesome choir events. New singers are welcome to auditions on February 11 and 13 at 17:30 in TUT room no. VI-203.